Saturday, December 12, 2009

Buying a Home in South Berkeley: Neighborhood Update

If you are buying a home in South Berkeley you'll want to know whats going on in the various neighborhoods.  One of the more active nieghborhood groups is WANA (West Alcatraz Neighborhood Association).  This group has over the past 18 months or so intiated monthly happy hours at Cafe Vino on 66th and Sacramento, supported local cafes and restaurants, held a block party. The group also sponsors twice a month neighborhood cleanup days, a once a month meeting for parents of young children at a local park, holds periodic association meetings, has a web networking tool at, has sponsored traffic control signage by having children paint "Slow Down" and "Caution, Children Playing" signs for drivers, has been in touch constantly with the city of Berkeley in an effort to make buying a home in South Berkeley a desireable option for young families and more.  On Thursday, December 17th they are holding the annual holiday get together at the community room in the apartment building at 1499 Alcatraz at 6:00PM. When you are thinking about buying a home in South Berkeley and wanting to check out different neighborhoods, this neighborhood association should be on your list of groups to contact.

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